SSSR and Farmers Investment Company file lawsuit to overturn linchpin Copper World right-of-way across the Santa Rita Experimental Range

In the wake of our September victory in an Open Meetings Law violation lawsuit, SSSR and Farmers Investment Company filed a new lawsuit seeking to overturn a crucial right-of-way that is necessary for the operation of the proposed $1.3 billion Copper World mining complex.
Dust kicks up along Santa Rita Rd, Hudbay tasked with creating a dust mitigation plan

Beginning in November 2024, we started to hear increasing reports of dust along Santa Rita Rd and blasting sounds from the Copper World Site. SSSR has been communicating with all relevant organizations to arrive at a solution.
AZ State land board approves legally flawed agenda to cure Open Meetings Law violation

The ASLD’s Board of Appeals voted 3-1 to rectify an Open Meetings Law violation related to the issuance of a right of way that would allow Toronto-based Hudbay Minerals, Inc., to construct mining waste pipelines across the Santa Rita Experimental Range for its Copper World mining complex.